mercredi, septembre 20

Serika's Grace

A new release from 7 Deadly s[K]ins @Anybody! Get a whole new look for your LAQ Bento Mesh heads, or, just and simply switch your skin to one of the amazing tones that Izara provides with lots of creativity!
You will find both shape and Skin at the Event. The skin comes in two separate pack from light tones to darker. The shape is mod and cop, which means you'll have all the abilities to play with and get your personal tastes fitting! 
I used there the LAQ Bento Motion Capture mesh Head Gaia, and the shape and skin from the Sherika folder. I simply modified the shape curves to my own tastes, without affecting the face, to let you see properly Izara's initial work!
Hope you'll like!
Love & Peace ♥

Head *SPONSOR* TY ♥ LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Gaia 2.1 (Mallory Cowen)

Skin & Shape *SPONSOR* TY ♥ 7 Deadly s[K]ins Sherika - Oak - Shape body values modified, face intact. (Izara Zuta) @ Anybody Starts on September, the 19th.

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